Renting Wheelchairs in Vallarta

Starting an international business has a lot of hoops, but the satisfaction that we get from renting the chairs makes it more than worth the hassle. Our first rental was to a nice young man named Zach. I hope to have pictures soon. Zach is 19 years old an non-mobile. He used the beach wheelchair every day during his stay at RIU Palace in Nuevo Vallarta. We were so happy to provide that opportunity for Zach and his family, Jason and Jennifer. They were the perfect first customers.  Today we had a phone call from a man who has a family coming to Puerto Vallarta next week. Two family members are non-mobile. He was hoping that the site he found on the Internet was true and that there really were beach wheelchairs here in Puerto Vallarta. We can't wait to make their visit so much better by providing the beach wheelchairs. Today was the best of all. We were in the lobby of Paradise Village after the member's party and there was a nice family from California in the lobby with their mother in a wheelchair. We so wished we could have gotten our Mom to the beach that we had to offer the chair to these lovely people. The chair wasn't rented this evening anyway. When the daughter commented "I might just cry" I told her I thought I was going to cry first. It is so very satisfying. Beach Crossers may just allow us to live in this paradise, help others, and have a secure retirement. What more could a person ask for?

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